
Case Study #4 – EasyDesktop




Aug 25th 2022


Software Integration, WordPress


Integration, Modern


Design and build of a best in class virtual access platform that can support EasyDesktop marketing, lead generation and sales activities to drive growth.

EasyDesktop provides private and business/enterprise virtual desktops for a monthly subscription, which are accessible from any device 24/7. These desktops are fully managed, secure and updated and come with standard or 24/7 support.


Our Solution

EasyDesktop needed more than just a nice redesign. We began the project with a full analytics audit and detailed research into buyer personas. We then spent two days on the ground with the EasyDesktop team in London, where we ran sessions with their marketing, analytics, content and technology teams to develop the user journeys, site architecture and content strategy required to get potential EasyDesktop customers from website visitors to converted new customers.

Our unique modular approach to WordPress theme development means EasyDesktop have a site that is fully flexible and extendable, whilst being easy to troubleshoot and maintain. Every content section on the site is built as a ‘module’ that the EasyDesktop marketing team can redeploy. This gives the ability to create new content and generate landing pages for individual campaigns quickly, easily and through the WordPress dashboard.


EasyDesktop had an existing API, originally developed for their Ruby on Rails based platform. We rebuilt a series of forms that connect through the EasyDesktop API in PHP to enable them to integrate with the WordPress site. These include forms to create an account (with LinkedIn integration), request a call back and login to the site, as well as desktop virtual access and live customer support platform.

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